
Finding More Energy

Finding More Energy

Finding More Energy

Have you ever complained that you have too much energy?

In your adult life, it’s pretty unlikely. Most of us are desperate for more energy. So where do we find it?

The truth is that it can’t be found. However, energy is renewable. Have you ever noticed that the vacation you so desperately needed, didn’t actually give you more energy when you returned? Instead of looking for an escape, let’s talk about what is in our control and what is out of our control. This is key when designing our lives for ultimate energy production. In this episode, Jas and Stef have a conversation about basic practices that we can control in our lives to replenish our energy.

Let’s start the conversation now by taking inventory of the things that drag you down the most. What stresses you out? What is weighing on your heart? Is there something you dread doing or hearing? Think on it and then process it. Reflect on it verbally with a friend, or in writing to yourself. If you can’t name it, you can’t change it.

 It is a strange thing to meet digitally, but let’s get to know each other.

I love adventure. I hate being bored. I think the world would be a better place if everyone spoke multiple languages and walked a few miles in other people’s shoes. My health goal is to keep proving to myself that I am more capable than I think, and to inspire others to do the same (especially my two sons). Ok your turn – what do you love, what do you hate, what’s a quirky ambition and what is your health goal? 

Coach Stef

Our cart has now closed for our nutrition & fitness bundle deal with Coach Chrystal. 

Stay tuned for the next bundle deal opening in 2021. If you are ready NOW to take a big step in your health journey, our Thrive program is always running and we have room for you to join us in 3 virtual classes each week. 

If you want the most effective workout in under 30 minutes, at home, with minimal equipment, book a free call with us to get started: ao1fitness.com/no-sweat-call/

AO1 Fitness and Coach Chrystal


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